大島奈保美、辛い胸の内を吐露『毎日毎日 色々なことが 怖い』

大島奈保美、辛い胸の内を吐露『毎日毎日 色々なことが 怖い』


同投稿で「怖いです。毎日毎日色々なことが怖いです。」と切り出した大島。「怖くて怖くて 心も体も思うように動かなくなってしまうのではないか?とそれを考えるのも怖いのです。自分の体のことも コロナのことも 今の日本の社会も世界情勢も。」と自身の健康面や新型コロナウイルスの現状、世界情勢など不安は募るばかりのようで、「考え過ぎ?テレビの見過ぎ?」と一旦心を落ち着かせた。

続けて、亡き夫の写真をアップし「パパ、やっぱり一人で生きていくのは…本当は 本当は苦しいです。」と吐露。「ごめんなさい そんなことを言うと心配かけますね。」と読者に気遣いつつ、「でも、本当だから…いつもは頑張っているから時々は、本音を言わせて。生きていくってやっぱり大変。」と辛い胸の内を綴った。

最後に、『追伸』とし、「今日は急に酷い頭痛がきたり 明日の通院が不安だったり 不安定になる理由が重なったのだと思います。本当にごめんなさい」と読者へお詫びした。



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  1. Lavillrah より:

    Recombinant Shigella flexneri DNA-binding protein fis (fis), E-Coli | Labstore
    Tegs: Recombinant Shigella flexneri DNA-binding protein fis (fis), E-Coli | Labstore https://labstore.ru/catalog/belki-peptidy/recombinant-shigella-flexneri-dna-binding-protein-fis-fis-e-coli-2/0,2-mg/

    Bovine Integrin Associated Protein ELISA Kit | Labstore
    IL8 / Interleukin 8 Antibody (aa26-103), Monoclonal | Labstore
    Hexanoic-6,6,6-d3 Acid – Dangerous Goods | Labstore

  2. RichardInVer より:


  3. In recent years, the world has witnessed the rise of a new asset class – Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). NFTs are unique digital assets that use blockchain technology to create provable ownership, scarcity, and authenticity. The market for NFTs has exploded in 2021, with over $2 billion in sales till date. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about NFT collections and how they are changing the way we perceive digital ownership.

    What is an NFT Collection?

    An NFT collection is a set of unique digital assets that are unified by a central theme or concept. These collections are often stored on a blockchain and sold as a single unit or auctioned off individually. NFT collections can be anything from digital art, music, or even virtual real estate. The possibilities are endless, and as long as the assets are unique and digitally transferable, they can be turned into NFTs.

    Why are NFT Collections so Popular?

    The popularity of NFT collections can be attributed to several factors. First, they provide a new way for creators to monetize their digital content. Before NFTs, digital content such as music, videos, and images could be easily copied and shared without any compensation for the creator. NFTs solve this problem by creating a unique digital asset that can be bought and sold like any other physical asset.

    Secondly, NFT collections are popular because they provide a sense of exclusivity and ownership. Owning an NFT collection is like owning a piece of history, a unique artifact that only a select few can claim to own. This exclusivity drives up the value of these collections, making them highly sought after by collectors.

    Finally, NFT collections are popular because they are powered by blockchain technology. The transparency and immutability of the blockchain mean that the ownership of these assets can be easily verified, eliminating any doubts about the authenticity or provenance of the asset.

    How do NFT Collections Work?

    NFT collections are created using blockchain technology, which ensures that each asset in the collection is unique and cannot be replicated. These collections are often built on top of a decentralized blockchain network such as Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain. Each asset in the collection is assigned a unique identifier or token that represents ownership and authenticity.

    When a buyer purchases an NFT collection, they receive a digital token that represents ownership of the entire collection. This token can be stored in a digital wallet and transferred to other buyers, just like any other cryptocurrency. Alternatively, buyers can choose to purchase individual assets from the collection, and each asset in the collection will have its own unique token that represents ownership.


    In conclusion, NFT collections are a new asset class that is changing the way we think about digital ownership. By using blockchain technology to create unique, digitally transferable assets, NFTs provide a new way for creators to monetize their content and for collectors to own a piece of digital history. NFT collections are here to stay, and as the market continues to grow, we can expect to see even more exciting collections emerge in the future.
    https://t.me/Mars_Wars/139 – PolygonHub
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/marswarsgo/permalink/984412815914862/ – #DigitalArt
    https://vk.com/wall-210955116_92 – #GameFi

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