




ランチの更新では、「ランチは小皿がたくさん!種類の多いおかず。」と焼き鮭とチキンをメインに、納豆、明太子、漬物、手作りフライドポテトなどを小皿に盛ったことを報告。「みんなモリモリ食べてました。白いご飯お代わりしたりね 豚汁も野菜たくさん使ったので、栄養満点だよ」と塩辛いラインナップにご飯が進んだようだった。

午後からは、ライブに向けたボイストレーニングを受けたようで、「大滝裕子先生による、ボイストレーニングでした リップロールから、発声練習。」とスタジオでのレッスン風景を公開。「名古屋公演に向けて、頑張ってます 皆さん!よろしくお願いします」とファンへ呼びかけた。

ボイトレ後は、「これから主人の実家へ。お土産にドーナツを買って 今夜は甥も仕事終わりで、揃っているとのこと!道中 私たちはドーナツを食べながら。」と道中、待ちきれずにお土産をつまんだことを報告。「リピートしよう。これからボイトレの後、毎回食べてそうな予感」とハマった。


この日の投稿に、ブログ読者からは「明太子一人一腹?ひと欠片でいいよ…」「塩分の取りすぎにびっくり」「夫の実家にミスドはないわ~ おまけに先につまんどくとかお行儀悪い」「旬のフルーツ山盛り持って行こうよ。」などのコメントが寄せられた。



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  1. The system requires that all employees register their biometric information, such as fingerprints or face features.
    The system records each employee’s particular biometric template during this process and stores it.

    Employees are required to authenticate themselves using the biometric reader when they enter or leave the workplace.

    The system then compares the individual’s biometric data to the

  2. In Sussex, are you trying to find a residential fence company?
    Learn more about WW Fencing, your community leaders in creating custom fencing solutions.
    We concentrate on domestic spaces and provide a wide range of functional and aesthetically pleasing fencing choices.
    Our selection is suitable for different tastes, ranging from traditional timber fences
    to low-maintenance vinyl styles. With high-quality components and careful installation, our staff puts your property’s privacy and security first.
    As a committed domestic fence business, WW Fencing seeks to improve your Sussex home with strong and beautiful
    fencing options. Join our happy clients and use our professional knowledge to enhance your house.

  3. WW Fencing: Your premium quality fencing supplier, dedicated to elevating your property’s
    appeal and security. As a trusted name in the industry, we provide a diverse range of top-quality fencing options that cater to
    various needs. From traditional wooden fences
    to modern vinyl styles, our materials are sourced for durability and aesthetics.
    With a commitment to excellence, we ensure every installation reflects
    our expertise and attention to detail. Whether it’s for residential or
    commercial spaces, WW Fencing stands out as your reliable partner for premium fencing solutions.
    Choose us to enhance your property with our exceptional quality fencing products.

  4. Garden fencing in Sussex refers to the practice of installing fences around gardens
    or outdoor spaces in the county of Sussex, England. Fencing is a common feature in residential and commercial properties
    to mark boundaries, increase security, enhance privacy, and add aesthetic appeal
    to the property. Sussex, located in the southeast of England, has a
    diverse landscape that includes urban, suburban, and rural areas,
    and garden fencing is prevalent in all these regions.

  5. Bonding and Skin-to-Skin: Spend quality time bonding
    with your baby through skin-to-skin contact,
    cuddling, and gentle touches. This helps foster emotional

    Respond to Cues: Infants communicate through crying, facial expressions,
    and body language. Learn to recognize their cues for hunger, tiredness,
    discomfort, or needing a diaper change.

    Tummy Time: Give your baby supervised tummy time while they’re awake.

    This helps develop neck and upper body strength and prevents flat
    spots on the head.

    Safety First: Baby-proof your home by covering electrical outlets, securing furniture that could topple, and removing small objects that could pose a
    choking hazard.

    Babywearing: Using a baby carrier can help you keep your
    baby close while allowing you to move around and get things done.

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