ランチの更新では、「ランチは小皿がたくさん!種類の多いおかず。」と焼き鮭とチキンをメインに、納豆、明太子、漬物、手作りフライドポテトなどを小皿に盛ったことを報告。「みんなモリモリ食べてました。白いご飯お代わりしたりね 豚汁も野菜たくさん使ったので、栄養満点だよ」と塩辛いラインナップにご飯が進んだようだった。
午後からは、ライブに向けたボイストレーニングを受けたようで、「大滝裕子先生による、ボイストレーニングでした リップロールから、発声練習。」とスタジオでのレッスン風景を公開。「名古屋公演に向けて、頑張ってます 皆さん!よろしくお願いします」とファンへ呼びかけた。
ボイトレ後は、「これから主人の実家へ。お土産にドーナツを買って 今夜は甥も仕事終わりで、揃っているとのこと!道中 私たちはドーナツを食べながら。」と道中、待ちきれずにお土産をつまんだことを報告。「リピートしよう。これからボイトレの後、毎回食べてそうな予感」とハマった。
この日の投稿に、ブログ読者からは「明太子一人一腹?ひと欠片でいいよ…」「塩分の取りすぎにびっくり」「夫の実家にミスドはないわ~ おまけに先につまんどくとかお行儀悪い」「旬のフルーツ山盛り持って行こうよ。」などのコメントが寄せられた。
Parenting infants can be both rewarding and challenging.
Here are some essential tips to help you navigate this precious stage of your child’s life:
Establish a Routine: Infants thrive on routine.
Set up a consistent daily schedule for feeding, sleeping, and playtime.
Predictability helps them feel secure.
Feeding: Whether breastfeeding or formula-feeding,
feed your baby on demand. Look for hunger cues like rooting, sucking motions, or fussiness.
Burp your baby after each feeding to prevent gas.
Sleeping: Create a safe sleep environment by placing your baby
on their back in a crib or bassinet with no loose bedding or toys.
Babies sleep better with a consistent bedtime routine.
Diapering: Change diapers frequently to prevent discomfort and diaper rash.
Clean the diaper area gently with each change and use diaper cream to protect the skin.
Patience: Parenting an infant can be challenging, and there will be
moments of frustration. Remember that this phase is temporary,
and your baby is learning and growing every day.
Above all, trust your instincts as a parent and remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach.
Every baby is unique, so adapt these tips to suit your baby’s needs and your family’s circumstances.
Bonding and Skin-to-Skin: Spend quality time bonding with your baby
through skin-to-skin contact, cuddling, and gentle touches.
This helps foster emotional attachment.
Respond to Cues: Infants communicate through crying, facial expressions, and body language.
Learn to recognize their cues for hunger, tiredness, discomfort, or
needing a diaper change.
Tummy Time: Give your baby supervised tummy time while they’re awake.
This helps develop neck and upper body strength and prevents flat spots on the head.
Safety First: Baby-proof your home by covering electrical outlets, securing furniture that could topple, and removing small objects
that could pose a choking hazard.
Babywearing: Using a baby carrier can help you keep your baby close while allowing you
to move around and get things done.
Start your coaching career off right with Myha’s professional client acquisition tips.
Determine your coaching specialty and target market to customize your strategy.
Create a strong online presence that highlights your coaching abilities through a business website and active social media participation. To demonstrate
your abilities and establish rapport, offer free seminars or workshops.
Use customer references to develop credibility.
Utilize platforms and networking events to engage with potential customers.
Work together with other specialists to get recommendations.
Myha equips you with tried-and-true techniques and practical knowledge to succeed
in client acquisition, enabling you to flourish as
a coach and leave a lasting impression.
With Myha’s professional guidance on acquiring
clients, kickstart your coaching career.
To customize your approach, identify your coaching specialty and target
market. Create a compelling online presence that highlights your
coaching expertise through an effective social media
presence and a business website. To promote your abilities and develop relationships, provide free seminars or workshops.
To develop credibility, use client endorsements. Utilize networking opportunities and websites
to meet new customers. Work together with other experts to get referrals.
You can succeed in client acquisition with the support of Myha’s tested techniques and practical insights, which will help
you succeed as a coach and leave a lasting impression.